Pam Sherman

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To Lose Weight and Be Healthier, No One Else Can Do It For You

Recently I was talking to a friend who had a family member undergo gastric bypass surgery. The family member was so excited to have the surgery and finally feel good in their skin.

 Uggghhhh. I've personally known 6 people who have had that surgery and 5 put most of the weight back on. It's not a quick fix. It's not a lifelong solution either.

 It seems in our country, people are more focused on taking pills, getting surgery or other avenues to take care(or not) of their health instead of moderate steps in order to prevent obesity/disease.

 Your health is the ONLY thing you can't hire anyone to take care of for you. YOU have to do the work- both by what goes in the pie hole and how you move. If you don't like how you feel, it's up to you to change!

 Hopefully, I've taught you anything by my weekly emails, I hope it's to take better care of yourself day in and day out. We only have one body to go through life in, why not fuel it with top-notch fuel, rest, and keep moving it so it keeps moving!

 It's my hope you go through each day thinking about yourself and your health. That you put yourself on your calendar every single day to move your body, go for a walk and not put junk in the pie hole. You are a Ferrari after all, NOT the Delorean from Back to the Future that ran on garbage!