Go to Your Doctor and Pay Attention to Your Body

Facebook is great for telling you about people's birthdays! One of my high school friends popped up, so I sent a birthday message and hoped all was well.

The reply I got was.. “thanks for the greetings, but it is hell getting older!” Followed by...”Have had some health issues in the past few years.”

Of course I asked what was going on and got this reply...

“My health issues started a year ago with emergency quintuple bypass surgery and ended 2 months ago with spinal surgery for a ruptured disk in my neck that has left me with some diminished use of my left arm.

My cardiologist thinks most of this was genetic but also felt my failure to visit the doctor regularly, combined with my belief that I could out exercise genetics and sketchy eating habits were also contributing factors.

Lastly, in talking about recovery.. it has been slow and it's hard to embrace the lifestyle my cardiologist would like... I have to eat those vegetables!!!”

We are the same age-55. I was incredulous reading this from my friend. Many I believe think nothing can happen to them.

The takeaways from this... go to the doctor every year, pay attention to the signs your body is giving you, and eat mostly real food.

Recently I saw a quote that said something like this... take care of our health now, or pay for it with sickness later. Too many take their health for granted. It's the most important thing we can do for ourselves and our loved ones.

Exercise is Not the Key to Weight Loss

Recently I was having lunch with a friend who was lamenting to me that she's been working out for a year and hasn't lost any weight.

I flat out said, weight loss has very little to do with exercise. It's all about your food.

She was surprised as she expected to have lost some weight from her 3-4X a week gym routine that she's maintained.

She asked about drinking. Unfortunately, when weight loss is your goal, it's wise to cut back. I had one client that cut it out for a month and lost 8lbs!

What I was telling her was no surprise, it's just a bummer to hear. I've seen many people over the years think exercise was the key to weight loss. I distinctly remember a guy at my gym on New Year's Eve day say out loud... I'm working out now, so I can work off all the crap I'm going to eat later. Uggghhh.

Weight loss is simple. But it's not easy. Focus on real food- protein/fiber. Drink water. Cut out processed foods- they do not do your body any favors. Break up with sugar aka the bad boyfriend except on very special occasions. Drink less. Simple but not easy.

Need help? Join my Tribe - a private group coaching program that I run on Facebook. I also do 1:1 coaching. If you are a woman in peri/menopause- come join Karen Martel and I to work on your hormones and food/fitness!! Find all info here.

One Small Habit at a Time

I advocate adding things to your day instead of taking things away to lead a healthy lifestyle. Like adding more protein to every meal, adding in more fiber (BAS=big ass salads), adding more sleep to your day, adding more water daily, adding in some kitchen counter push-ups....well you get the point!

My family and I wanted to add on some things that would challenge us on a daily basis. We all made our own list and took off!

The only problem was, it was too much. When I am working with a client, I always say start with one thing, master that and then add another thing on. If you add too much it leads to failure- every single time.

My list was an additional 4 items to my workout. This lasted almost halfway through the month and then I gave up. I wasn't looking forward to completing them and was missing other parts of my workout that I wasn't getting to.

Lesson learned. Adding in one thing a week is the best way to build good habits. Doing too much is overwhelming. If you are looking to create new healthy habits. Take one small one at a time. Make it a daily habit for at least a week before adding in the next one.

Small changes can lead to life long health and wellness. One small habit at a time.

American Portion Sizes are Not Okay

Marie is a lovely young woman I had the pleasure of meeting a few weeks ago. She's a French exchange student staying with a friend of mine for the summer.

A few years ago, she was in the US for a year. Marie is a petite 5'0" gal who is very slim.

We were having lunch and asking her about American food. She told us she loved it. She loved it too much the first time she stayed with my friend.

In her words...I had to try everything! And couldn't stop even though I was full. I ignored my full signals and ate so much American food that I put on 30 pounds in 5 months! The portions here are HUGE! It's ridiculous! (I could not agree more.)

She felt awful and outgrew all the clothes she came here with. She decided to stop eating so much. She told us that she never deprived herself. If she wanted something, she'd have it- in a small amount. She lost all the weight.... in 9 months.

Some may think that is too long. I however think the opposite. When I see people make small changes and lose weight slowly, it stays off. Every single person I have seen do a "diet"(fill in the name here- WW, Jenny Craig, Optiva, Keto, South Beach, Atkins....) they absolutely lose the weight. Diets WORK.

But they have very little long term success as it's a diet and not a lifestyle change. Slow and steady wins the race in the weight loss game.

If you have been struggling and know you need to lose some weight, please be patient! It takes time to change and see progress. There is no such thing as a quick weight loss.

If you need more help, check out my website here. I have 2 group coaching programs as well as private coaching options. You deserve to feel amazing in your own skin!

Observed in Italy … No One is Obese!

My husband and I are in Italy right now on a belated 25 year anniversary trip. As a health professional I'm always looking around to the local people, what they eat and how they move!

My first observation- there are no diet drinks. Americans consume these by the gallon and there is not one to be found over here. There are no big gulps, no super sized anything. 95%(I saw a few coke zeros) of the drinks sold were 10 oz or so.

There is no abundance of junk food. At a gas station they have real food to purchase. Very little if any candy/crap- a shocking change to what we see in gas stations in America. I'm thinking of the rolling hot dogs/ nachos/so many choices of chips and candy.

There was also an express bar at each gas station we stopped at. There are no artificial creamers to be found. The only thing you put in your coffee is milk or nothing. There are no mochas or frappuccinos! They serve either expresso or cappuccino- period.

People do not wear workout clothes out and about. They dress nicely- most women are in dresses and men's clothing is fitted. Literally no spandex in sight. Compared to oversized baggy clothes or workout clothes, people here dress well.

The biggest difference was obesity. I saw none. Not one man over 200 lbs(except tourists) or one heavy woman. They are not exercising per se, but they are walking everywhere. It's shocking to see all of the people at a normal weight and makes me so so sad when I think of the people I see in my town daily. And they bike! I saw women over 70 biking in a dress :), there is no age limit when it comes to biking. It's a mode of transportation more than anything else.

In different places that we walked(some very steep stairs) we commented this would never be acceptable in America. No wheelchair access. Many would not be able to get up the step. But here, no one had trouble. Literally 1000's of steps.

The takeaway for me is this... ditch the diet drinks/food. Focus on eating real food only. Cook it if you can. If your grandmother wouldn't recognize it, you should not be eating it(or eating it very often). Walk as much as you can!

You are Never Too Old and It's Never Too Late!

In our youth obsessed society, aging is discriminated against, frowned upon and people don't want to do it.

But... the opposite of aging is death, so I'll take aging every day of the week.

In fact, this week I brought my all-star client Frank (who is 82) on Fox40 to do a segment on what he does in the gym and how it benefits him.

He does things like push-ups, squats, lifts weights and we practice getting up off the ground. All of these things enhance the quality of his life. He still puts up his Christmas decorations, does yard work, and walks a mile to a coffee shop once a week.

Frank talked about his best buddies—guys he has known since the 3rd grade. They are not in the shape Frank is in at all. In his words, "they are disabled."

Now, I'm not taking all the credit for Frank's health. He's been active his whole life—starting with a job as a mailman (on foot) in San Francisco! Also, his lovely wife Kathy is an excellent cook and makes sure Frank eats his veggies. :).

We see aging as slowing down, sitting more, being less active. Frank is here to show you that doesn't have to happen. You can still be active; you can still be in charge of your health every single day. Frank is here to show you that it can be done! Here’s Frank’s segment!

Your health is your wealth!

The Effects of Regular Strength Training

While out walking Gimli today, I ran into two friends I hadn't seen for a while. After we caught up on our kids, we talked exercise. Shocking I know :).

One of the gals had taken a class from me 15-20 years ago on a regular basis. She commented the first time she took my class, she "killed" it. Until the next day when she was sore all over. She said she hadn't done any strength since working out with me.

As an instructor all those years ago, I wanted to crush my students. Make them feel it all over. Not so much anymore. I want people to add strength into their life in a way that is doable for the rest of their lives!

This is exactly why I have a 10 minute playlist on my YouTube Channel- The Perfect Balance. Lots of bodyweight workouts at home. The stronger our bodies are, the easier it is to get older. And we are all getting older.

My other friend said her doctor encouraged her to add strength training to her week 3X a week. After getting a high blood pressure diagnosis- the doctor encouraged strength! Music to my ears!

If you are not doing any strength right now, you can start by adding a few minutes a couple times a week. YouTube is a great free resource for everyone. Or hire a trainer. Regardless, the effects of regular strength training are huge in the big picture of life.

You'll always be able to get up out of a chair. Which is the #1 reason people go into a nursing home. That's a squat friends!!!

Adding things to your day- whether it's an apple or some kitchen counter push-ups always pays off!!!

Your health is your wealth!

Not Motivated to Workout?

Hello Friends!

Many comment to me they just are not motivated to workout. Or eat well. They are lazy and are never going to change.

Here's the thing... sometimes you have to do what's good for you despite what your brain is telling you to do!

Be a parent to yourself and MAKE yourself move your body every single day. In the kitchen... do some push ups or squats. Running errands park as far away as possible. Have an extra 10 minutes... go to my YT Channel- The Perfect Balance and get in a strength workout.

No one has ever told me after a workout, they are sad they did it. Ever. A workout/eating well can change your day. Your are happier, you have more energy, you think more clearly, you sleep better at night and the list goes on and on and on.

If you are a parent, think of what you did for your kids. Made them brush their teeth, take a bath, do chores, go to bed, get up earlier than they want to. Kids want to do NONE of those. But you made them.

Now, make your health a daily priority and see how much better you feel in your own skin. You do have time. Every single day.

Your Future Self

Many give up on themselves before they see results. In our INSTA society- we want to see things happen fast!

Our health just doesn't work like that. I saw a post today that talked about your future self thanking you for the decisions you make today. I think about this a lot.

Your health is like a piggy bank. Every time you exercise, a dollar drops into it. Same goes for eating a balanced meal including protein/veggies. You may not feel any different in one day or one week. In 20 years that will be thousands of dollars in the bank!

Which leads to feeling great, less aches and pains, better mobility, being able to pick things up off the ground or being able to carry your own groceries. Your daily activities will be easy because you have been putting money in the piggy bank for years.

For those that don't, it's not pretty. Mobility will be tough. So will daily life. The GREAT thing about our health is we get to decide how our future self will be(barring injury, illness etc).

How do you want to age? How do you want to feel in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years?

You can make a big difference by taking care of yourself now!

Need inspiration- come join my Tribe!

Please Don't Starve (or Any Other Crazy Trick) to Lose Weight

This time of year, many think about losing weight. There are some crazy things out there to get there. Super low calorie plans, WW, Jenny Craig, and so much more.

Today I was reading an article in the NY Times where a woman wrote ... "Over the past year, I have lost nearly 50 lbs, prompted by a vague sense of obligation to shrink myself back down to size. As usual, the weight came off only with efforts so extreme that I hesitate to admit them: Over the course of a month last winter, I didn't eat for 17 days out of 30."

This made me so sad. Sad that anyone thinks drastic measures are what it takes to lose weight. Sad that low calorie/quick fixes are still out there for people.

If you want to lose weight, it can be done in a sensible manner by eating real food. Focusing on protein (the protein that you like is great) and fiber (loads of veggies/fruit) and count your calories on an app like myfitnesspal. Or just write it down in a notebook and keep track. Have an apple when you are hungry. Drink loads of water.

But please don't starve yourself. Any quirky/quick fix diet WILL work. Until you start eating the way you used to. Know that if you want to lose weight, you can. One meal at a time. It's a life long journey. It won't be quick and it won't be linear. It's possible.

Need help? Come join my Tribe (info below) or email me for 1:1 coaching. I think life is too short not to feel great in your own skin. I'd love to help you!

Do the "It's Either" Test

During a recent conversation with my daughter, I was debating something. My gut was saying no, but the people-pleasing side of me was saying yes.

As I was telling her, she said, Mom—it's either a HELL YES or a HELL NO!

This was brilliant and can be applied to just about anything, especially your health!

Go on a diet—HELL NO! Because you will eventually go off that diet and regain all the weight you lost (and sometimes more) when you go back to your old habits.

Try any popular quick fix out there—HELL NO! Yes, they all work... until you go off it (see above)!

Add movement into your day—HELL YES! We are a society that sits far too much. Adding in some walking, squats or push-ups is a great idea and doable for everyone!

Grab a friend to be a workout buddy—HELL YES! You are 80% more likely to be successful if you have an accountability partner.

Next time you are debating a decision—any decision—remember to go with HELL YES OR HELL NO!!! I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!

Your health is your wealth!

If you need accountability, join my Tribe or let me coach you to help you reach your goals!

On Binging: Feelings are Uncomfortable

Today I was having a check-in with a client. She's been doing great, changing daily habits, keeping her meals simple, and adding in a bit of movement into her day.

We talked about what she struggled with as well. She said.. I was so stressed from work, I just wanted to binge. She's not alone- many of my clients struggle with binging for the exact same reason.

It's a way to cope with our emotions. The only problem is that the emotions are still there after we binge.

She told me she sat with her feelings and.... it was uncomfortable. Yes, feelings are really uncomfortable. She paused and sat with them and decided NOT to binge.

This is a HUGE win. So many eat because they are stressed, overworked, bored, lonely, frustrated, sad, happy- you name it, there's a reason to eat. It's HARD to feel our feelings.

If this resonates with you, please take a moment the next time you want to overeat. Take some deep breaths, go out for a walk, get out of your kitchen and be uncomfortable. You'll get past it.

Your health is your wealth!!

My 2 week challenge with Karen Martel starts tomorrow! It's not too late to sign up! You just need to be a member of the Tribe to get in on the challenge.

Plan Ahead to Feel Great on Roadtrips and Weekends

A regular topic that comes up with my clients is eating out, eating while on a road trip and weekends. How do you navigate any/all of it?

This wellness journey we are all on is never about perfection. Ever. That leads to negative self-talk, remorse, and regret.

Rather, it's about planning for what is going to make you feel great. Choosing what we eat is 100% up to us. What sounds good in the short term(candy, sweets, etc) often leads to us feeling tired and sluggish pretty soon afterward.

Some ideas for weekends, road trips and BBQ's...

Plan ahead if you can. If you can't abstain from the packaged yumminess at a convenience store- do not go there. Take the extra 10 minutes to go to a grocery store to get some food from the deli. Opt for water instead of sugar drinks( I know it's no fun) but... this time of year we need more water!

Restaurants always have their menus online. Look at the menu before you go. Decide what you want to indulge in beforehand. Portions are HUGE these days and it always pays off to know ahead of time what you're going to get.
If you're trying to lose, pick one thing that you want to enjoy and do it in moderation.

BBQ's... now that we can finally get together again, lots of BBQs are happening. Make some hard rules for yourself. Then stick to them. It's so easy to overdo it and leave feeling stuffed and awful. A few smart rules could be..

1-deciding on how many adult beverages you will have. Make it a must to have a glass or two of water between drinks.
2-no chips/snacks until you have a plate. Then they can go on the plate. It's so easy to eat 200 chips before you even get to dinner!
3-Just like the restaurant- pick what you want to indulge in.. and stick to that.
You are not missing out on the fun. The fun is the people you are with, not what you eat. Believe me, I've had plenty of food regret because I overate. It was an awful feeling.

We have rules for our kids when they were little- brush your teeth, bath time, nap time.
Why not make rules for yourself and your health?

Being Hungry and Fear of Death

During my FB Live's with my Tribe, great topics always come up. How to plan for BBQ's, what to do about food pushers, how to say NO, celebrating member's wins,and funny stuff too.

One of the members asked me this week how to reach her protein goal as she was too full to eat her dinner. I asked what she ate that day. She replied- egg/egg whites, chicken breast, and snacks were a bar and some greek yogurt.

I challenged her to lose the snacks and eat more at her meals.

During the Live, I asked the group if they had ever been hungry. I mean tummy really growling hungry! As well as what their thoughts were.

One member said she had the fear of death from being hungry. We all had a good laugh at that but I think many people do fear this.

What happens if I get hungry?

You will not die. I promise. It's actually ok to let yourself get hungry. In fact, I encourage my peeps to let their body tell them when to eat meals instead of letting the clock tell them when to eat meals.

Learning your own body clock is a huge step to weight stability for the rest of your life. You may not get hungry till 10 am, so why are you eating breakfast at 8 am? Listen to your body- it will tell you so many things. Often, we eat because we think it's time. It's time to eat when your body gives you hunger cues, not what the clock says.

Need help navigating your health journey? Join my Tribe! I have loads of good ideas to help you feel amazing in your own skin.

The Importance of Non-Scale Victories

In our weight obsessed society there are so many other ways of celebrating your wins!

NSV=non scale victory. In the last week, I've had clients share these with me...

*”My pajamas are looser!” (My client was surprised and happy about this)
*”I realized I needed to take care of myself in order to reach my goals.” This is HUGE progress!
*”I know now that I have to implement self-care daily in order to maintain my mental health.”
*”After a weekend of BBQ's, I don't feel bloated and gross!”

Often I talk with my clients about making rules for themselves. Hard rules they can't break. Sounds awful right?

The feedback I get is this: it's so much easier mentally to go into a situation with a plan and stick to it. Then I am able to enjoy the event and not worry about what I will or won't eat.

I'd love to hear any of your non-scale victories!!! Please email me and let me know all about them!

If you need motivation, I'd love to inspire you to be your healthiest self and feel GREAT in your own skin!

Holiday Health Tips for Weight Loss and Wellness

We’ve all heard the statement… the average weight gain between Thanksgiving and the New Year is 10 lbs. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to happen to you!

 In a year that feels out of control, your health is one thing that you have 100% control over. Every bite you take and every minute spent moving your body is entirely up to you.

Holiday time is an especially busy time for all of us. Let’s make a game plan for staying fit! It absolutely can be done and I guarantee if you plan out your health, you will feel so much better come January 1 than if didn’t!

Using holiday as an acronym is a great way to remember what to do! Here we go…

 Have a daily plan. Literally, put your workout in your calendar like any other appointment. You are not allowed to cancel on yourself. The same goes for your meals, plan out the week to take the daily decision of what to eat off your plate(pun intended)!

Overwhelming is a holiday word. Take a break and go for a walk or use a meditation app for a quick way to calm down.

 Look to your long-term goals. Many decisions we regret are made in the spur of the moment. How do you want to feel in the morning? Next week? Starting off the year? That answer may get you to put that cookie down!

Include strength training/core work into your day every day! Adding in a quick plank when you need a break, or doing 20 counter push ups and 20 squats  every time you go into the kitchen will add up and keep your muscles active during the day.

Don’t restrict yourself. This leads to binge eating every single time. Decide ahead of time what is special and really worth eating. There’s a lot of excess food around this time of year. That doesn't mean you have to indulge in everything. Store-bought cookies are a pass, family recipe cookies are a do! Make every bite worth it to you!

 Always add veggies into your day! It’s a carbtastic time of year but our bodies need the fiber from veggies to stay running smoothly. Roasted veggies, homemade veggie soup, raw veggies for snacks are just a few ways to get them into your day.

 You ARE worth the time it takes to do all of these things! It’s empowering to own your health, your goals, not gaining weight, and staying fit. Seeing people feeling like they don’t have time is just an excuse.

 The choice is yours?  Come January 1, how do you want to feel?

Successful Weight Loss Stories from The Perfect Balance Tribe

In my career as a trainer/coach, I've seen more of my clients fail than succeed. By a lot. Yup, it's the truth.

 Why? I can give my clients all the info they need to be successful. If they don't put it into action, they will not succeed. It comes down to this..you've got to put the work in to see change. Your health is not the Secret where you put it out in the Universe and it magically changes.

 Lately, I've had more success with my clients (Tribe members) than ever before! They are doing the work and seeing success! Let me say this. if you work the plan, the plan works. It's so gratifying to see so much success that I felt compelled to share!

 As women (sorry, guys we are a different breed), we can get super emotional about our weight, our food, our bodies. It's just the way it is. Throw in some hormones and stress = recipe for letting go of any rational thoughts/actions in regards to our health!

 The best tool I tell my clients to use is myfitnesspal, a scale, and a measuring tape. You have to be accountable to yourself if you want to see change happen. Oftentimes, we don't want to face reality with ourselves. I've certainly been there myself.

About 8 years ago I was not in a good place. My dad had just passed, it was a rough 3 years of taking care of him, I had an injury and I wore a lot of baggy clothes. The last thing I wanted to do was get on the scale. But...after his funeral, I had had enough. I felt awful in my own skin. So I gingerly stepped on the scale(come on now, no one hops on the scale?), saw the number, cringed and thought ok, game on. It's time to get the weight off. 

The next day I started logging on myfitnesspal. I weighed in once a week with about a one lb loss on average. I took measurements as well. It's not glamorous, sexy or quick. But it did add up, week after week.

Whatever your goals are, I'm here to tell you that you CAN reach them. Whether it's doing one full body push up, adding 10 minutes of strength training into your day, drinking more water, or losing weight. It takes time, consistency, and dedication to yourself and your health!

The Power of Compoud Interest, Investing in Health for Weight Loss

My husband gets emails called A Learning a Day. He forwarded this along to the rest of us.

 It made a big impact on me and I had to share this with you...

I love every reminder I can get about the story of Ronald Read.

Ronald Read worked as a gas station attendant and janitor at JC Penney’s. He was known to be a frugal man. After losing his wife at 50, he lived alone for the rest of his life and enjoyed chopping wood.

 After his death, folks in his community realized he had left two million dollars to his stepchildren and an additional six million dollars to the local library and hospital.

 How? He consistently invested his savings in (an eventual portfolio of 95) blue-chip companies whose businesses he understood and held their stock for most of the rest of his life.

There are many fascinating lessons from his story – making a life by what we give vs. get, the importance of savings rate, time in the market vs. timing the market, etc.

 But, to me, one that always stands out is the transformative power compound interest can have in our life. Small consistent investments in all important areas of our life—health, money, learning, relationships—compound in magical ways over time.

 Here’s to making one such investment today…

Invest in yourself and your health every single day!

 If you have trouble doing this, join my Tribe! I'll motivate you daily to take better care of your health.

Or subscribe to my YouTube channel here. I have workout videos, stretching videos, recipes, straight talk, one minute of peace and so much more!

 P.S. A follow up to my high school friend who made a plan and stuck with it. 4-1/2 months later she reached her goal weight. She made a plan and stuck to it. Weight loss is never a quick fix. But changing habits will pay off over time!

Being Thankful for Health, Home, and Family

It's been a hell of a year. A tumultuous 9 months with uncertainty about if/when things will ever get back to normal. Well, our new normal.

 It's easy to focus on the bad. All the things that we have lost.

Today and this week, I want to focus on the top 3  things we can all be thankful for... 

1- Your Health. Obviously, this is my #1. We have more time than ever to take care of our health. By taking care of your physical health, you are also taking care of your mental health. Not motivated? Adult up(another way of saying man up!)

It's your responsibility to take care of your health. No one else can do it for you!

2-Your home. Driving through downtown Sacramento and seeing so many homeless is beyond awful. If you've got a roof over your head, be thankful for it.

 3-Family. I heard from many they have had it up to HERE with so much family time. I have a feeling we'll look back at this time and be thankful we got to spend so much time together. Kids grow up and leave the house. Any extra time spent together is great.

Belly Fat and the Menopause Middle: Why You Should Lose the Weight

I get together with 2 of my besties from high school every summer. We met running cross country in high school. Luckily fate put us all in the same carpool. Between all the runs, the sweat and all the time driving to meets/home we  bonded for life.

This past July we got together and one of my friends was saying she's got extra weight around her belly—like the menopause middle. The discussion following that was about why she gained and what she could do about it. Obviously, I was more than thrilled to help her out!

She decided she wanted to do a challenge starting in August after her birthday. No wine for a month. Along with logging her calories daily and adding in consistent movement and using some of my YouTube videos for strength.

First month she's down 5 lbs. She was excited and motivated to keep going. She added biking to her week along with her other goals. To date, she's down 17 lbs. That's 3-1/2 bags of sugar!!! Not only that, she's adding years to her life. Belly fat is the most dangerous fat you can have. Here's why...

Visceral fat coats some of your internal organs and hangs down like an apron from your large intestine,” says gastroenterologist Samuel Klein, chief of the Division of Geriatrics and Nutritional Science at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. “It's associated with an increased risk of metabolic diseases, including insulin resistance, high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and fatty liver disease.”

Not only is she changing her own life, she just told me today how many people she's inspired to lose weight...her husband, her business partner, her stepbrother and his wife, and her dad and his wife!

This absolutely made my morning! Music to my ears! Something we talked about in July is having such an awesome impact on her family!

If you need extra encouragement and motivation, join my Tribe! I'm here to help!