
Thanks Pam! I really love the program! I'm 7 lbs down and looking forward to at least 10 more! Your help is greatly appreciated. - Client feedback

Thanks Pam. I am down to 200 today, that is huge for me. I haven't been this weight for 25 years. I am on a new life plan. Between your constant reminders that self care is not selfish and seeing how great of shape you are in, I am on it! - Client feedback

Down 15 lbs and have been able to space my chiropractic adjustments out about every four weeks now. I have a bad neck and it has been so much better. I am thinking this is in relation to less sugar/better nutrition! - Client feedback

Down 6lbs last week for a total of 14. All is going well. - Client feedback

Thank you. I wish I found you last year. I looked back to how much I weighed a year ago. I was 25 lbs heavier. 168 and now 143. Last year I felt good, this year I feel great! - Client feedback

Last fall, I heard Pam Sherman tell her story on a podcast and knew I had to learn more. After being hit and run by a car while out for a jog, she was able to rehab and became even more passionate about changing the lives of other women in relation to their bodies.

I now realize I've been a "yo-yo" dieter my entire adult life, either working really hard to slim down or just "accepting" my bigger size. What I heard Pam say was that I didn't have to use menopause as an excuse for all the extra fat around my middle. She said I could clean up my act and get real in her Tribe. I could create my "dream body" at 55, truly better than in my 20s (with Jenny Craig) or 30s (with Overeater's Anonymous).

I wanted to believe her since she is a prime example of exactly that. After just 5 months of joining Pam's Perfect Balance Tribe, I am leaner, smaller, tighter, and more toned than in high school and can wear all of my "skinny" clothes. I am choosing to continue my journey working closely with Pam to keep my former weight issue firmly in the rearview mirror. She's always at the ready with strategies for all my challenges of being a busy wife, mother, and business owner. Her sensible, no-nonsense ideas for improving my food habits and/or exercise resistance are priceless! If you are in despair about your weight like I was I highly recommend hiring Pam as your weight loss coach. I can't wait to find out what's next!

- Hollee Cummings, NV

I look at Pam as an inspiration because she's proof of what's possible when you're consistent and committed with your fitness. In 2020, a year out from my wedding, I shared with Pam how my arms have consistently been a trouble spot for me, everywhere else could lean out but not my arms, and she offered a few exercises that I could do consistently over the next 12 months to achieve my desired look. How cool is it that when I was going through wedding pictures the other day, all of a sudden it hit me that I didn't notice my 'bat wings' at all - they weren't there! Consistency and commitment, lessons that I learned from Pam, really did pay off. So grateful to have received that advice from you Pam, I'll literally see it in pictures every day for the rest of my life!
-Lisa Simone Richards

My life changed when I had the privilege to meet Pam Sherman in 2001 when I signed up for her body sculpting class. Pam was not just a great fitness instructor. She did more than teach. She took a personal interest in helping each of us individually in changing our eating habits for life. She challenged us with fun contests, giving up one comfort food each week, so we could have better eating habits, and gave us tips on how to eat right to give bodies energy for a fabulous workout.

With her positive attitude, enthusiasm, happy disposition and encouraging words, she made us all feel confident that we had the power to shape our bodies, and it worked! I finally stopped struggling with weight, stopped being on so many diets, loved working out. I lost 30 pounds. Pam changed my body for life!
- Mily Woodward, client

Pam is a Rockstar. She's taught me to take care of me. She taught me I'm very strong and capable of more then I ever thought. You'd be a fool to not want her on your corner. Now get this woman in your life!
- Stephanie S., client

Pam Sherman is the best trainer that I was so fortunate to have stumbled into my life.  I thought I had it all under control, weight was coming off and I was feeling better.  I knew Pam as my friend's trainer.  I would run into her occasionally and she would be very encouraging and motivating!  

Then, as I got closer to my goal weight everything stopped. I reached out to Pam and I'm so glad I did! I definitely needed some guidance and she is the one that got me on track to reach my goal. She advised me on how to cut down my calories, gave me fitness tips and got down to the nitty gritty about my nutrition! This lady knows how to squash a craving without over doing it on the calories!

She catered the workouts to meet my limitations and strengthen my trouble areas.  All while making it fun. Pam doesn't just care about your fitness and nutrition, she cares about your whole well being and family life. Since fitness and nutrition is a lifelong lifestyle, Pam is always good for answering a question or giving a little push when needed.  Love Love Love Her!!
- Tara, client

I took Pam’s step classes for several years, and it was the only time in my life I would NOT miss workout. The class was tough, fun, and fast paced. A real kick butt class. The workout routines were varied, and never boring. Pam was always challenging us to push a littler harder, and reach a higher personal level. Her unique combination of enthusiasm and motivation made you want to give the extra effort - and have fun doing it.
- Rebecca C., client

“You are stronger than you know!” - words Pam Sherman uses often to encourage anyone she coaches. I have been truly blessed to know Pam since the day I was invited into a class she taught. Bootcamp Thursday was a day that always proved to be a tough workout. And fun sweaty workouts are her favorite. The class was so packed that I almost walked away.  A regular invited me to stay and the rest is history.

Pam is now the voice in my head when I am running or working out. She makes everyone feel like they can do anything for “one more minute,” or she might say, “When you think you can’t do anymore, do three more reps.”   We’ve changed our thinking and moved towards different fitness programs over the years. And she never lets me forget that I have goals and reasons why I want to be the best self I can be. Because of Pam, I know myself better.  I am eternally grateful for her encouragement and friendship. I would follow her anywhere!
- Marianne P., client

As a frequent student in Pam's fitness classes, I found her classes to be motivating, ever-changing and just plain fun. Pam makes you want to work out, even on those days when you just can't find the motivation yourself. I highly recommend Pam for group fitness courses and personal training where you'll find the inspiration you need to meet your fitness goals. 
- Julie Phillips Randles, client

Pam is one of the most motivating women I have worked out with for a very long time. Pam is the type of trainer that will stand right next to you and do the exercise with you sweating. Working out with her has helped me to find my limits and exceed my wildest expectations. The type of trainer and person that she is as a whole inspires me at least to be a better person. During my workouts that are not with Pam I think in my head keep pushing harder you have 5 more do not stop! I walk away from my workout with her in person or in my head feeling amazing and accomplished. If I am having a hard time in my life she sees it somehow and helps me to use it to make myself stronger inside and out. Amazing woman are the two words that come to my mind when I think of Pam Sherman. She will kick your ass and have you begging for more! I have become stronger than I could have ever imagined with her as my trainer, and I will always be grateful for her.
- Jen P., client

Pam's guidance on nutrition and exercise have been invaluable to help me reach my weight and health goals. She gave me practical instructions that were easy to implement and stick with. She provided the education, support and accountability that I've been missing and the results have been great!
- Sunil, client

Dear Pam — I need to tell you, you are some kind of witch with the powers you have! When we first met, I had been told before I need to move — I did try, but never sustained. But you said “move” and I’ve not stopped since! I was also told to eat less calories by others and and flatly refused … but you say eat less, and I immediately do it. The difference is that you helped me work out how I could do this, not just bark orders at me.
- Tracy Lewis, United Kingdom

Pam captivates the audience with her compelling story. Her ability do connect with and move a room is something to be reckoned with.
- Dr. Alicia Tsounis

The Perfect Balance newsletter, posts and videos keep me motivated to stay on track. Pam is authentic and clearly an expert that I can trust. I love that she's not a newbie at this and has had so many years of experience. And she knows what I am going through trying to balance work and kids and trying to improve my health.  
- Kate F., client

Having Pam as a trainer means more than just showing up, working out and going home. With a wealth of knowledge and personal experience that encompasses nutrition, fitness and personal balance, Pam teaches you how to change your behavior and build healthy habits. After sharing my personal fitness goals with Pam, her targeted workouts combined with her positive form of motivation and realistic advice helped me stay on track and get results. I love that she is a busy mom like me who sets the example of how to take a little time to focus on yourself!
- Kate B., client

Pam is not only a fitness coach or a nutritional coach, she is a healthy lifestyle coach. She is honest and blunt when it comes to achieving a healthy life. Pam won’t give you any “quick fix” advice, however, she will take time to really get to her her clients and advise them every step of the way. Over 25 years in the health and fitness arena has provided Pam with an abundance of knowledge to help everyone achieve “The Perfect Balance.” Personally, she has guided me through training for a full marathon, eating clean and giving my body the best chance of overall physical health. Pam makes you feel like you are her only client. She is the biggest cheerleader along your path to finding your perfect balance.
- Shawn Habermehl, client

After I retired from teaching high impact and step I found it difficult to find an instructor who would truly motivate me, Pam was the movitation and a true community friend. Pam, you inspire people around be you to want to be better, do better and to know that when life throws you lemons, you make the best darn lemonade possible and share it with everyone around you.
- Jill F., colleauge

I first met Pam over 10 years ago, when she was teaching a group fitness class. Over the years, she has been my running coach, strength trainer, weight loss champion and general life coach. She is extremely knowledgeable about every aspect of fitness and nutrition. Her positive attitude is infectious and her workouts are fun and full of variety, motivating everyone to reach their highest level of fitness. Even when I am not training with her, she’s always in my head to push myself just a little further. Best trainer I ever had!
- Friederike Volk-Wilhelmi, client

Pam Sherman is a wonderful motivator and health coach.  She really listens to her clients and develops and plan that works for them - not just some cookie cutter approach to fitness and health.  Her personalized approach and passion for health is amazing.  And she is creative and fun - you will not be bored exercising with her! 
- Kelli T., client

My body is beautiful...MY body is a beautiful instrument of life, vitality, energy, vigor, and fun. I feel good about the joy I can have in my life because Pam Sherman has helped me to learn how strong and healthy I am inside and out, when I put in the time to give to myself what my body needs.

My sister introduced me to Pam about 8 years ago.  Pam was encouraging and patient...but mostly HONESTLY encouraging...  I can say anything to Pam, about how lousy I feel, how NO-NO-NO, I don't want to work out right now, and sometimes in not so kind of terms...*#%@!!  She understands. And she ALWAYS has a positive comeback of laughter, encouragement, and our favorite shared term together -- "Suck it up, Buttercup!!"  So I do and I work out after all and I feel great and I love my body because Pam is one of those unique people who helps me to know...my body is beautiful.
- Suzanne S., client

I participated in Pam's SEXY in 60 day program with the goal of losing 10 lbs and being in shape to use my paddle board by Memorial Day. With Pam's help, I was able to do both! Her program is easy to follow and provided the necessary tools to win at the game I was playing, Pam's weekly calls added the accountability I needed as well as her weekly videos setting up the structure I needed. I recommend Pam's program 100% as one that will help you achieve any goal with ease.
- Patty Nolte, client

Do you have a testimonial to share? Please contact us at pam@theperfectbalance.guru, and indicate whether the quote should use your first name, last name, or anonymous.