success story

Successful Weight Loss Stories from The Perfect Balance Tribe

In my career as a trainer/coach, I've seen more of my clients fail than succeed. By a lot. Yup, it's the truth.

 Why? I can give my clients all the info they need to be successful. If they don't put it into action, they will not succeed. It comes down to've got to put the work in to see change. Your health is not the Secret where you put it out in the Universe and it magically changes.

 Lately, I've had more success with my clients (Tribe members) than ever before! They are doing the work and seeing success! Let me say this. if you work the plan, the plan works. It's so gratifying to see so much success that I felt compelled to share!

 As women (sorry, guys we are a different breed), we can get super emotional about our weight, our food, our bodies. It's just the way it is. Throw in some hormones and stress = recipe for letting go of any rational thoughts/actions in regards to our health!

 The best tool I tell my clients to use is myfitnesspal, a scale, and a measuring tape. You have to be accountable to yourself if you want to see change happen. Oftentimes, we don't want to face reality with ourselves. I've certainly been there myself.

About 8 years ago I was not in a good place. My dad had just passed, it was a rough 3 years of taking care of him, I had an injury and I wore a lot of baggy clothes. The last thing I wanted to do was get on the scale. But...after his funeral, I had had enough. I felt awful in my own skin. So I gingerly stepped on the scale(come on now, no one hops on the scale?), saw the number, cringed and thought ok, game on. It's time to get the weight off. 

The next day I started logging on myfitnesspal. I weighed in once a week with about a one lb loss on average. I took measurements as well. It's not glamorous, sexy or quick. But it did add up, week after week.

Whatever your goals are, I'm here to tell you that you CAN reach them. Whether it's doing one full body push up, adding 10 minutes of strength training into your day, drinking more water, or losing weight. It takes time, consistency, and dedication to yourself and your health!

Success Story: Weight Loss, 19 Pounds Later

Do you like success stories?

I LOVE them! I love seeing them in magazines, on social media, in real life and especially from people that I coach!!!

Let me brag a little on a HUGE success one of my clients has had in 3 months of working with me. When we first started working together, she didn't give food much thought. She grabbed what she could (unfortunately she works by a Dairy Queen and a lot of fast food). She's a former runner—completing a few half marathons but currently was not running. Water??? What's that? Veggies were pretty much non-existent. Stress eating was a constant.

3 months later, she's down 19 lbs!!!!! Let's just call that 4 bags of sugar shall we? 4 BAGS OF SUGAR gone off her body! She is drinking enough water. She discovered she LOVES veggies, especially BAS(big ass salads), and is feeling pretty damn great in her own skin!

 What changed? Well, she's following my advice/plan! Instead of stress eating, she's using a meditation app when she's stressed (insight timer) and or doing karaoke on YouTube! She loves to sing and found a way to do this and enjoy herself! She's actually thinking about food and we've made a daily game plan for her. She just told me yesterday that although she CANNOT believe it, she's not having any sugar cravings anymore!

If I could sing like her, I'd burst out in song right now for all of you reading this! She's following the plan we made, she's making progress, she's changing some bad habits into good ones, and feels GREAT!!!

It's NEVER too late to change! To do this, you've got to change some habits. Find ways to deal with your emotions besides eating. Like singing, going for a walk, calling a friend, getting some fuzz therapy, reading a book, having a good cry, screaming into a pillow, working out and the list goes on and on and on!!!

You CAN become a success story. You are the actor, director, and producer of your own movie!