Pam Sherman

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Holiday Health Tips for Weight Loss and Wellness

We’ve all heard the statement… the average weight gain between Thanksgiving and the New Year is 10 lbs. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to happen to you!

 In a year that feels out of control, your health is one thing that you have 100% control over. Every bite you take and every minute spent moving your body is entirely up to you.

Holiday time is an especially busy time for all of us. Let’s make a game plan for staying fit! It absolutely can be done and I guarantee if you plan out your health, you will feel so much better come January 1 than if didn’t!

Using holiday as an acronym is a great way to remember what to do! Here we go…

 Have a daily plan. Literally, put your workout in your calendar like any other appointment. You are not allowed to cancel on yourself. The same goes for your meals, plan out the week to take the daily decision of what to eat off your plate(pun intended)!

Overwhelming is a holiday word. Take a break and go for a walk or use a meditation app for a quick way to calm down.

 Look to your long-term goals. Many decisions we regret are made in the spur of the moment. How do you want to feel in the morning? Next week? Starting off the year? That answer may get you to put that cookie down!

Include strength training/core work into your day every day! Adding in a quick plank when you need a break, or doing 20 counter push ups and 20 squats  every time you go into the kitchen will add up and keep your muscles active during the day.

Don’t restrict yourself. This leads to binge eating every single time. Decide ahead of time what is special and really worth eating. There’s a lot of excess food around this time of year. That doesn't mean you have to indulge in everything. Store-bought cookies are a pass, family recipe cookies are a do! Make every bite worth it to you!

 Always add veggies into your day! It’s a carbtastic time of year but our bodies need the fiber from veggies to stay running smoothly. Roasted veggies, homemade veggie soup, raw veggies for snacks are just a few ways to get them into your day.

 You ARE worth the time it takes to do all of these things! It’s empowering to own your health, your goals, not gaining weight, and staying fit. Seeing people feeling like they don’t have time is just an excuse.

 The choice is yours?  Come January 1, how do you want to feel?