Pam Sherman

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On Binging: Feelings are Uncomfortable

Today I was having a check-in with a client. She's been doing great, changing daily habits, keeping her meals simple, and adding in a bit of movement into her day.

We talked about what she struggled with as well. She said.. I was so stressed from work, I just wanted to binge. She's not alone- many of my clients struggle with binging for the exact same reason.

It's a way to cope with our emotions. The only problem is that the emotions are still there after we binge.

She told me she sat with her feelings and.... it was uncomfortable. Yes, feelings are really uncomfortable. She paused and sat with them and decided NOT to binge.

This is a HUGE win. So many eat because they are stressed, overworked, bored, lonely, frustrated, sad, happy- you name it, there's a reason to eat. It's HARD to feel our feelings.

If this resonates with you, please take a moment the next time you want to overeat. Take some deep breaths, go out for a walk, get out of your kitchen and be uncomfortable. You'll get past it.

Your health is your wealth!!

My 2 week challenge with Karen Martel starts tomorrow! It's not too late to sign up! You just need to be a member of the Tribe to get in on the challenge.