Pam Sherman

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American Portion Sizes are Not Okay

Marie is a lovely young woman I had the pleasure of meeting a few weeks ago. She's a French exchange student staying with a friend of mine for the summer.

A few years ago, she was in the US for a year. Marie is a petite 5'0" gal who is very slim.

We were having lunch and asking her about American food. She told us she loved it. She loved it too much the first time she stayed with my friend.

In her words...I had to try everything! And couldn't stop even though I was full. I ignored my full signals and ate so much American food that I put on 30 pounds in 5 months! The portions here are HUGE! It's ridiculous! (I could not agree more.)

She felt awful and outgrew all the clothes she came here with. She decided to stop eating so much. She told us that she never deprived herself. If she wanted something, she'd have it- in a small amount. She lost all the weight.... in 9 months.

Some may think that is too long. I however think the opposite. When I see people make small changes and lose weight slowly, it stays off. Every single person I have seen do a "diet"(fill in the name here- WW, Jenny Craig, Optiva, Keto, South Beach, Atkins....) they absolutely lose the weight. Diets WORK.

But they have very little long term success as it's a diet and not a lifestyle change. Slow and steady wins the race in the weight loss game.

If you have been struggling and know you need to lose some weight, please be patient! It takes time to change and see progress. There is no such thing as a quick weight loss.

If you need more help, check out my website here. I have 2 group coaching programs as well as private coaching options. You deserve to feel amazing in your own skin!