Pam Sherman

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Please Don't Starve (or Any Other Crazy Trick) to Lose Weight

This time of year, many think about losing weight. There are some crazy things out there to get there. Super low calorie plans, WW, Jenny Craig, and so much more.

Today I was reading an article in the NY Times where a woman wrote ... "Over the past year, I have lost nearly 50 lbs, prompted by a vague sense of obligation to shrink myself back down to size. As usual, the weight came off only with efforts so extreme that I hesitate to admit them: Over the course of a month last winter, I didn't eat for 17 days out of 30."

This made me so sad. Sad that anyone thinks drastic measures are what it takes to lose weight. Sad that low calorie/quick fixes are still out there for people.

If you want to lose weight, it can be done in a sensible manner by eating real food. Focusing on protein (the protein that you like is great) and fiber (loads of veggies/fruit) and count your calories on an app like myfitnesspal. Or just write it down in a notebook and keep track. Have an apple when you are hungry. Drink loads of water.

But please don't starve yourself. Any quirky/quick fix diet WILL work. Until you start eating the way you used to. Know that if you want to lose weight, you can. One meal at a time. It's a life long journey. It won't be quick and it won't be linear. It's possible.

Need help? Come join my Tribe (info below) or email me for 1:1 coaching. I think life is too short not to feel great in your own skin. I'd love to help you!