Pam Sherman

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You are Never Too Old and It's Never Too Late!

In our youth obsessed society, aging is discriminated against, frowned upon and people don't want to do it.

But... the opposite of aging is death, so I'll take aging every day of the week.

In fact, this week I brought my all-star client Frank (who is 82) on Fox40 to do a segment on what he does in the gym and how it benefits him.

He does things like push-ups, squats, lifts weights and we practice getting up off the ground. All of these things enhance the quality of his life. He still puts up his Christmas decorations, does yard work, and walks a mile to a coffee shop once a week.

Frank talked about his best buddies—guys he has known since the 3rd grade. They are not in the shape Frank is in at all. In his words, "they are disabled."

Now, I'm not taking all the credit for Frank's health. He's been active his whole life—starting with a job as a mailman (on foot) in San Francisco! Also, his lovely wife Kathy is an excellent cook and makes sure Frank eats his veggies. :).

We see aging as slowing down, sitting more, being less active. Frank is here to show you that doesn't have to happen. You can still be active; you can still be in charge of your health every single day. Frank is here to show you that it can be done! Here’s Frank’s segment!

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Your health is your wealth!