Pam Sherman

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Realistic Expectations with Weight Loss

Do you expect change to happen fast?

I had a client once ask to help her lose 10 lbs in 2 weeks as she was going to a reunion...uggghhh!

It's hard not to in our Insta society! With the touch of a finger we can look up anything (not like the old days of encyclopedias!), we  buy anything and everything on Amazon.

Your body is not like Amazon. You can not expect a delivery/change by the next day. The body you are in right now is a result of the food/drink choices you have made over the last 6 months or so. Harsh but true.

I had one client who had the MOST realistic expectations of anyone I have ever worked with. She wanted to lose 2 lbs a month. That way in a year she'd be down 25 lbs or so. We discussed it and she knew it was achievable and doable for her lifestyle. And SHE DID IT! 25 lbs is 5 bags of sugar gone off her body!

Usually people give up after less than a month as the results are not coming fast enough. It didn't come on over night friends and it's not leaving over night. Create healthier habits, day in and day out and you will see change. But it will not ever happen as fast as you want it to. You are worth sticking it out for and reaching your goals—just sayin'!

Your health is your wealth!