Using "I AM" Statements to Help Lose Weight

How would you describe yourself healthwise?

 I am a runner, I do pull-ups, I eat lots of BAS(big ass salads), I frontload my day with water, I stretch daily, I do mostly bodyweight exercises for my strength work.

Sometimes, we have to talk ourselves into things (eating more veggies or moving our bodies) to make them happen.

 But, if you tell yourself, I am a daily walker, I eat 3 servings of veggies daily, I get up once an hour and move my body, I do push-ups daily, it just may become who you are!

 There was a networking event I was at a few years ago where a woman was bringing around a tray of chocolates. The woman I was with said, oh Pam doesn't eat stuff like that before I could even say anything. Hmmm, I thought- interesting that she said that. I don't eat sweets often but had never declared that out loud.

 How you talk about yourself is HUGELY important on this journey. I see far too many women tear themselves down by telling me what they don't do/their shortcomings. Let's change that and start saying what you do daily! The great thing, it's up to YOU to make the statement.

  • I am strong.

  • I love eating veggies.

  • I move my body every day.

  • I (mostly) eat for my health.

 If you need help here, let the Perfect Balance Tribe inspire you on your wellness journey!