Pam Sherman

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The Rule to Avoid a Sugar Hangover

I woke up the day after my birthday with a hangover. Not from alcohol but from sugar. It was awful. That pain right between your eyes just pounding...what an awful way to wake up the day after an amazing day!

 My dad died of Alzheimer's. This is also referred to as Type 3 Diabetes. Food, specifically sugar (either sweets or bread, pancakes, ice cream, etc)  is just awful for this horrific disease.

Since his death, I don't often eat sugar. For me, it's a slippery slope. I can't just have one bite—I want 20 bites! I'm not joking here.

 This year, both my kids were home for my birthday and I made a decadent dessert. And I also had 2 pieces. It's my birthday, after all, gotta celebrate right? Ummm, that decision kicked my ass.

After not having sugar for a long time, my body said F-You sister! We'll see how you like sugar now. I felt like an idiot the next day. I know what my body can and cannot handle and that much sugar was definitely more than I could handle!

Here's my lesson learned ... I will not say I'm never eating sugar again—that's just unrealistic. But what I am saying is, I have 2-3  bites and really enjoy it. We all know the first 2 bites of anything are the best of all! Then, there's no hangover, no being too full and still getting to enjoy a dessert.

At the end of the day we all have to figure out what works best for our own bodies! For me, sugar is a rare treat and has to be taken in small doses. If there's some food that is controlling you... try the 2 bite rule and see how it turns out. You may surprise yourself!