Pam Sherman

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When It Comes to Losing Weight, Don't Be a Victim

Recently a friend was telling me she just can't get her health together. Her job was crazy, her kids kept her busy, she was overloaded …

That same week another friend in a similar situation said almost the same thing but told me she makes sure to schedule time to workout daily because it helps. Both with her mental clarity and she starts the day off right. She also packed her food for the day so she wouldn't be tempted by the crap at the office. She walked at lunchtime just to be out in the fresh air and all these things led her to feel great.

Some people just can't get out of their own way.  Life happens to them. I want you all to be in control of your health daily.

Regarding your health, do you make excuses as to why you aren't taking the best care of yourself possible? Or do you take steps needed to take care of yourself?

 I'm not talking about hours of exercise or extreme eating friends. I'm talking about making time for yourself and your health every day. We only get one body to go through life in ... I want you to take such great care of yourself that you feel amazing in your own skin every single day!

If you are a victim ... great news! You CAN totally change! Starting today, plan 15 minutes of movement and add some veggies to your plate. Keep doing that for a few days and see how you feel.

 There is no better feeling out there than taking excellent care of yourself! You are never too busy to put your health at the top of your to-do list. Or on your daily calendar. You ARE worth it my friends!