How to Live to 100+: Lose Weight, Eat Less, Exercise & More

Do you think about getting older? Wonder how you'll feel? Worry about how you'll feel?

My Sunday paper had a layout with an amazing 105-year-old woman (Ida Keeling-who I've written about here before) with sculpted arms who is a sprinter and says "I'm running from old age."

It's hard to think about aging...there are so many who don't take care of themselves or their health and bear the brunt of that as they get older.

 There were so many gems in that article, I had to share!

 "It's a myth that the older you get, the sicker you get. It's more like, the older you get, the healthier you've been," says Thomas Perls, M.D. who's tracked thousands of 100 plussers in his New England Centenarian Study.

Until you’re in your late 80's or 90's, genes get only a 1/4 of the credit. The rest is down to simple health behaviors.

These include:

Eating less: Just enough to maintain healthy body weight. (I can just hear some of you saying, Pam!!!!! that's no fun! Remember, this is not coming from me but doctors who studied people who lived 100+ years!)

Be Cheerful: being outgoing, optimistic, and easy-going. The good news—if you're not born this way you can develop these characteristics!

Stimulate your brain: Crosswords, sudoku, or other puzzles are great ways to stimulate your brain. Or learn a language! With free apps, it's accessible for everyone!

Exercise 45 minutes a day: It doesn't have to be all at once! Two or three shorter sessions that add up to that works! Experts say that lifelong movement from climbing stairs to walks to weight lifting is the longevity aid ranked #1!

Eat a mostly plant-based diet: Focus on protein (but NOT much red meat … yes I'm directly talking to certain someone who is reading this right now), healthy fats and complex carbs (veggies other food grown from the ground like sweet potatoes).

 IF you are not doing any of those, pick one and master it! Then add another one in until you've got that down. Success comes from taking baby steps, mastering them, and moving on!