Healthy Weight Loss Using Curiosity Over Negativity

The last time you fell down ... not literally but ate too much, drank too much, took too much time off of exercise, etc, how did you talk to yourself?

I'm guessing you beat yourself up. So much negative self-talk. I know I used to do this for hours over a previous night's food/drink. I was flat-out awful to myself.

Can you relate?

If you do this to yourself, I'd love you to look at it a different way! Instead of negativity, ask yourself why you did that. Why did you overeat? Why did you have that last drink?

When I look back, I know that if I had more than one beer, I'd eat too much—95% of the time. And who just wants one beer? Not me. But I literally couldn't control what I put in the piehole! Which led to food regret for far too long the next day. It happened a lot.

If this happens to you, look at why. See if you can change your behavior to feel better the next day. I know I spent far too many hours hating myself for my actions. Life is too short for anything except loving yourself. You are stronger than you know. You CAN change!