Not Losing Weight? It's Time to Change Up Your Toolbox

There's been many people over the years who have told me ... I used to do this to lose weight or this always works for me.  Hmmmmm if you have to do it over and over, I don't think it's working.

 If the tools in your toolbox(insert any diet/ plan you've done in the past) are not working for you, it's time to get a new set of tools!

It's so easy to say, well, this worked before so I'll do it again. But, if it didn't work long term, then I guess it didn't really work—did it?

I know a gal who lost 40 lbs on a super strict diet. When I talked to her she had put back on 20 and kept saying, I just need to get back to my diet and I'll drop the weight. But she never did and now is up even more.

There is no magic bullet, no one thing that works. But rather a lot of little things day in and day out that will get and keep you heatlhy and drop weight if that's what you are looking for!

Getting a new set of tools when you want to accomplish your health goals is never a bad idea. Learning more about what keeps you full, what movement you really enjoy, making more time to get up and move around, adding veggies into your day are all great tools for everyone's toolbox.

If you have goals(and I hope you do), and want to reach them. Look at your toolbox. What is in there right now?

Old stuff you've been doing over and over and not getting results?

Time to step it up and get shiny new tools to inspire you and get you closer to your goals.