future self

What Would Your Future Self Say To You Today?

Do you ever find yourself saying ... if I could go back in time, I'd do it differently?

Part of growing up is making mistakes along the way and learning from them. That makes us who we are today!

But today, I want to talk about your health and what your future self would say to you right now!

Would your future self say, well you did ok, but because of your decisions from the last 3, 6, or 9 months—I don't feel great. In fact, I wish you had made different decsions!

We all have daily decisions that we make that all add up to how we feel inside our Ferrari (our body) every single day. If you don't like something about your physical health/self, it's up to you to start making small changes today. So that in a month, you can feel better!

My A-HA moment with this was after my accident, my sports guru told me, "Pam, had you not taken such excellent care of yourself/your health, your injuries would have been far worse." Yes, that is in quotations as I remember it clear as the day he said it. How I took care of myself made a huge difference in what could have been a horrific situation.

It's not just about weight loss. It's about what goes on inside our bodies. A lot of the disease that is killing many Americans(heart disease) can be traced back to what goes in the pie hole.